Privacy Notice

This policy relates to the privacy of your personal data at Steelo Ltd

About IconAbout Steelo Ltd

Established in 2009, Steelo Limited provides customers with fabricated structural steel products.


Under the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which governs Data Protection, we are required to give you – our client – a crystal clear understanding of how and why we process your data, and what our position is, in this regard.

We are the Data Controller:

As we set the rules and reasons for collecting data from you, we are classed as the Controller of your personal data.  This means it is our responsibility to ensure that the data we collect from you is controlled effectively and is protected at all times.

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, please contact us:

  • By Post: Steelo Ltd, Unit 9 Fairway Trading Estate, Fairway Close, Feltham, TW4 6BU
  • By Phone: 0208 569 8144
  • By Email:

Why we need your personal data and what we need to do with it.

Your personal data will be managed in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) under the following principles:


  1. Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency:

    We are required to process your personal data as part of the performance of your contract with Steelo Ltd. You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please write to Steelo Ltd or email the contact at the end of this document.

  1. Purpose Limitation:

    Your data will only be collected for specified, contractual and legitimate purposes meaning that as well as using the data to perform your contract, we may use it for:

    • Marketing
    • Newsletter subscriptions
    • Other products/services provided by Steelo Ltd that we may offer to you unless you tell us not to do so
  2. Data Minimisation

    Your data will only be collected for specified, contractual and legitimate purposes meaning that as well as using the data to perform your contract, we may use it for:

  3. Data Accuracy

    We will update our records when you inform us that your details have changed

  4. Storage Limitation

    We will retain your personal data for the length of time needed to complete the initial request and for a maximum of 3 years should you not terminate the request.

  5. Integrity and Confidentiality:

    We have implemented processes to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your personal data

Policies & processes we have to protect your rights as the ‘Data Subject’

Under the GDPR you have a number of ‘rights’ which you can exercise at any time.  Should you wish to do so, please contact the person named at the end of this Notice.  These rights might include:
  • The right to access all of the data we process on you. This will be supplied to you within 1 month from the request being received.
  • The right for any inaccurate data we hold on you to be corrected. We will strive to make your amendments without undue delay.
  • Where the contract has ended but consent has been obtained to process your data, you may have the right to be forgotten and your personal data to be erased without undue delay. Where we require your data (for contractual reasons), your data will be removed once the term of the contract has expired.
  • The right to restrict us from processing your personal data, which can be reversed by you.
  • The right in certain circumstances to object to automated decision making, whereby we may use your data for profiling purposes to make a decision.

Transferring personal data

The data we gather about you will never be sold on to a third party.

Due to the nature of the business, we work with a variety of GDPR compliant businesses who act as our processors which store and process your personal data on our instructions. Below is a list of the types of processors that we share your data with:

  • Website hosting companies
  • Customer Relationship Management platforms
  • Marketing platforms
  • Engineers
  • Finance companies
  • Information Technology companies
  • Secured servers

International Transfers

At no time does your personal information leave the EU.

Other Websites

Steelo Ltd’s website may contain links to other sites. When you choose to visit those sites, we cannot assume responsibility for any other site’s content or information handling practices. We encourage you to review each site’s privacy policy prior to entering into transactions with the third party-linked site.


We would like to send you information about products and services of ours which may be of interest to you. The products and services will always relate to property regeneration and development and opportunities arising from them. You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing, and you may opt out at a later date.

Talking to us about your rights or this Notice

Should you wish to speak to us about the way we process your data, or wish to exercise your rights as listed above, please contact Steelo Ltd representative on

However if you wish to direct your questions to the ICO, you can find their details at


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