In this case an employee alleged that her dismissal as a bookkeeper was discriminatory and connected with her pregnancy because my client outsourced his bookkeeping function after he found a substantial gap (over £400,000!) in VAT receipts on her handover. The Tribunal found that the dismissal was non-discriminatory and took place for an unrelated sound business reason.
IS did succeed on two alleged discriminatory comments at a grievance meeting for which a fairly low sum was awarded. This is currently under appeal, but it shows how sometimes having an external HR consultant-where conflict of interest is alleged, or tempers become frayed- can be a very good idea!
In a complex ‘blackmail’ type case, R S v Onyx Ltd the employee was ordered to pay £20,000 towards our client’s legal costs. The case has now gone to the Civil Courts for enforcement.
Gordon Turner Employment Lawyers earlier this month settled a £340,000 discrimination claim for £5000. Click here to read the full […]