Steelo Decalogue is the foundation stone of our company culture, or perhaps we should say it’s simply part of Steelo’s DNA. These are not just some rules, that someone has written down – we strongly believe that by following these guidelines we are able to perform better.  Watch our second video or read the article to learn more about our Decalogue.

Steelo Decalogue is a set of 10 guidelines that describe the values we follow as a team and we strongly believe that this is the key to a happier life.


  1. We believe in a job well done.

This is who we are – we take pride in doing things properly. Every improvement we implement and every change we make is undertaken in order to achieve better results. Wherever you look, you will see this belief in practice. This is why we implement systems, procedures, checklists and policies.

  1. Show respect to others and clients

We often spend more time at work than we do with our families, that’s why we want to make sure the workplace is a positive environment. Kindness to others will always be paid back with kindness to you. We are a team and there is no place for selfish individuals in our company. Without our clients, there would be no company. Our Customers must, therefore, be respected, although we don’t always advocate the saying: ‘The client is always right’.

  1. Give more than is expected of you

Giving more than is expected of you means focusing on the task and achieving great results but not spending more time thank you need to on the job in hand. Great results can only be achieved when you are fully focused and believe in what you are doing.

  1. Obey the Relay Runner Rule

The Relay Runner Rule: ‘Once you’re handed a task, you take it and run with it’. You keep running as fast as you can until you finish the task’. This rule is the opposite of procrastination. Multitasking is a myth. Once you have completed your task you can either get on with the next task, focus on improving parts of our system or simply enjoy idle time.

  1. Maintain Steelo’s reputation

Steelo is our way of showing the world who we are, displaying our drive to excellence, innovation, helpfulness and integrity. Our reputation has grown out of our company culture, which is founded in our Decalogue. We want to be known for doing a job well and for achieving superior results every time, whilst being honest and transparent.

  1. Complete every task on time

We hate procrastination. When a task has a deadline, everything must be done to complete the task on time. We, humans, put a high value on things that are done as promised, either before or on time, and if those promises are not met, we think less of the person who did not deliver.

  1. Always speak the truth

We want to be as transparent as possible. This includes communication with work colleagues, clients, suppliers, guests, telephone callers and everyone else. It is always better to speak the truth, no matter how painful it may seem to be for the other party. Transparency makes our lives simpler: it also relieves our souls.

  1. Never stop learning

If people do not actively learn and develop, they ambitions for life and career will remain as dreams. We want our employees to learn as much as they can. Learning is a never-ending journey, but without a doubt, the best journey people will ever embark on. Education always leads to progress, and (unlike material assets) you will never lose what you’ve learned.

  1. Always look for scalable solutions

When you regularly experience the same issue, it makes no sense to patch the problem because it will surface again. We do not want people to have to micro-manage our operations. When a company becomes heavily dependent on one person, it can have disastrous consequences, both for the company and for the individual in question. We proud ourselves in working as a team, not a group of individuals.

  1. Don’t be afraid to experiment

Steelo Decalogue states, that if you want to find the best solution to a problem, the only way is to experiment. Clarity is more important than certainty. It is better to try something out and find that it doesn’t work than to delay the task, waiting for more information. The best way to get that information is through experimentation. If the idea falls short, there is nothing to worry about, simply we need to try another approach and don’t give up until you there is an answer.

Steelo Decalogue - the core values we stand for


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