At Steelo, we are constantly looking for ways to create and boost sustainability across our business. With this in mind, are very fortunate to work with a versatile and sustainable material.

Steel as a raw product is capable of being used in a wide variety of different applications. This remarkable material is one of the most recycled materials in the world, with nearly 70% of all steel products being recycled at the end of their lifespan. Steel is also incredibly durable, making it an optimal choice for creating long-lasting structures or products that can be repurposed or reused.

Its recyclable nature makes it a great choice for more sustainable construction projects. When steel is recycled, the raw materials used to create the original product are not lost; instead, they are conserved and reused to create new products. This reduces waste while helping conserve natural resources. Furthermore, using recycled steel instead of virgin steel makes it possible to decrease energy consumption during production and create a circular economy within the steel industry.

Steel as a building material

Steel has a low embodied energy when compared to other building materials like concrete or brickwork. Embodied energy accounts for all energy consumed during the creation of a product from raw material extraction through manufacturing processes and transportation before use in construction projects. Steel’s low embodied energy makes it one of the more sustainable building materials available today.

When considering how to make a project as sustainable as possible and reduce its carbon footprint over time, there is no better option than utilizing steel as a main component in construction projects. Not only will this help reduce emissions generated during production but also reduce waste associated with traditional building materials while giving designers greater freedom and flexibility when designing innovative structures and buildings requiring less maintenance over time. With such versatility and sustainability potential inherent in steel, it’s no wonder why more projects use structural steel in their designs daily.

Why use Structural Steel

  • Durability: Structural steel is highly durable, making it an optimal choice for creating long-lasting structures or products that can be repurposed or reused. This makes it a great option for use in infrastructure projects where sustainability is key.
  • Recyclability: Steel is highly recyclable; when recycled, the resources used to create the original product are not lost, but instead conserved and reused to create new products. This reduces waste while helping conserve resources, making it much more environmentally friendly than other materials.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: As one of the most affordable construction materials available, structural steel is extremely cost-effective and provides savings over time through its low maintenance requirements.
  • Initial High Energy Requirements: To create structural steel from raw materials requires large amounts of energy, making it somewhat less sustainable when compared to other more naturally occurring building materials such as stone and wood.
  • Fire Risk: Structural steel can be vulnerable to fire damage, which can compromise its strength if not addressed quickly. As such, additional measures need to be taken during the construction process to ensure adequate fire protection.
  • Corrosion Risk: Over time, structural steel can corrode due to exposure to moisture or other elements in the environment like saltwater or acidic rainwater. Proper coatings should always be applied during installation in order to reduce this risk and maintain strength over time.

Overall, structural steel offers numerous advantages when used as a sustainable resource in construction projects, including its durability and recyclability as well as its affordability and low maintenance costs over time. However, it also has some drawbacks related to its high energy requirements during production and potential risks due to corrosion or fire that must also be considered before choosing this material for your project.


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